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About Me


  • Great Suffering and Great Love: The Tension of Faith

    This may come as a surprise to no one- but I identify very strongly with Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet of the Christian Old Testament. I feel things- suffering specifically-so very deeply I am sometimes…

    January 23, 2018
  • You Stepped Down into Darkness: Suffering & Psalm 44

    This week my hometown community lost someone very special-my childhood pastor, my only pastor, really. A man who was exceedingly loving and kind and passionate. He devoted his life to his church and to…

    December 12, 2017
  • Contemplation and Action: Love never fails

    “But how do we remain contemplative and engage in activism?” A question I didn’t even know I had until I heard myself ask it. Better to say The Question I didn’t know I had.…

    October 24, 2017
  • The God of Arms

    Here we are again A nightmare we know too well The familiar mix of emotions Anger. Despair. Grief. Confusion. Here we are again An anchor of resignation pulling us down The familiar questions Who? How? How many? Is this enough? Here we are again. A broken man. A broken world. And…

    October 3, 2017
  • “For you’ve wrestled with The Divine”

    Ever hear of Bluma Zeiganick? Yea, I hadn’t either until a few months ago. Bluma Zeiganick was one of the first women in Russia to go to a University. Upon graduating she became one…

    September 20, 2017
  • All Truth is God’s Truth

    During my first year of college, I had an 8am (!) Biological Anthropology with the intimidating, serious, not-messing-around, Dr. Madrigal. She would start each morning with a fierce  “It’s 8 o’clock lets begin” and…

    August 22, 2017